# Geek # # OpenBSD # # *NIX #

OpenBSD 5.3 on lanner FW7565

Recently, I installed OpenBSD 5.3 on a lanner FW7565.
The serial port setup was the most “complicated” part, this post will cover how I got it working.
Screen switch kvm keyboard in rack at home
The lanner has a usb keyboard and cdrom, it’s ethernet serial port is connected to another computer’s serial port.
On that computer, I used minicom to connect to the serial port – set baudrate to 19200 (control p and then a,a, – until it is on 19200)
Once this is done, you should be able to start the Lanner, and see the BIOS.
Now use the USB keyboard on the lanner to set the port’s speed to 115200, set post forwarding to com on Always, and set the cdrom as first boot device. Press F10 and enter to save these settings – Restart the Lanner.

When presented with the OpenBSD boot prompt, type:
#stty com0 115200
#set tty com0
And then type enter

You should now be able to install OpenBSD as usual, you can redirect default console on serial port, and edit /etc/boot.conf with
stty com0 115200
set tty com0

And voilà your Lanner runs OpenBSD.

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